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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

47% of China suppliers expect double-digit growth in 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
HONG KONG, Feb. 18 /PRNewswire-Asia-FirstCall/ -- China's suppliers remain optimistic about sales growth prospects in 2009, with 47% of executives expecting sales growth of 10% or more in 2009. This is according to a survey conducted by Global Sources' (Nasdaq: GSOL) Chief Executive China magazine ( ) early this month.

Among suppliers selling within China, 57% expect double digit sales growth, while 36% of export-focused companies project growth greater than 10%.

Results are from senior executives of 191 companies engaged primarily in domestic sales and 202 companies focused mainly on exporting.

Enterprises outline key strategies to overcome challenges

Chief Executive China conducted a separate poll to gauge China enterprises' primary strategic responses to the current global economic crisis. As of Feb. 18, more than 8,900 readers responded:
  • 43% said they will build brands and/or increase efficiency and product quality;
  • 21% indicated they will cut costs;
  • 20% said they will focus on the domestic market and/or emerging markets; and,
  • 16% indicated they will expand their online channels.

Global Sources' COO, Craig Pepples, said: "With China's retail sales still strong, it's no surprise that companies focused on the domestic market remain optimistic. What's surprising is that, despite the global economic downturn, China's exporters are generally projecting much higher sales ahead.

"This optimism is, in part, due to the fact that many have already adapted to the current global economic situation and have evolved new strategies to deal with the crisis.

"Given China's increasing cost base, cost cutting is less of an option than previously. To justify higher prices, suppliers are now looking to improve quality and production efficiency while, at the same time, building their brands.

"We see this as a natural evolution, and one that is not without precedent. Japan, Korea and other Asian economies also moved up market at about the same stage in their development when faced with economic and competitive pressures."

Detailed results of the Chief Executive China 2009 Supplier Outlook & Expectations Survey are available for download at .