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Friday, September 5, 2008 closed branch company

Friday, September 5, 2008
Some also say that now cost-cutting, closed over the winter may be the most practical method of survival, because the future situation may be more severe. Alibaba CEO Wei Zhe said last week that the current operating environment so that customers have some difficulties, this situation may last until next year.

Branch set up four months on the dissolution

B2B domestic trade as the three major service providers, one of the Huicong network, announced in August last year a high profile on-line, a major push into the foreign trade market, but its branch in Guangzhou alone the establishment of more than four months after it announced the dissolution in the near future.

An interview with reporters following the company’s CEO Chung Min Lee, he said, the company operation more than six months ago, has not been performance, cash flow well, therefore decided to dissolve the Guangzhou Branch, staff wages and compensation, he said, would like to approach the end of the month Before let everyone Nadao Qian. The staff said, “Shenzhen Branch will also be dissolved” He denied it.

Adverse situation may continue until next year

B2B domestic trade as the three major service providers, one of the Huicong network, announced last August a high profile on-line, a major push into the foreign trade market, the reporters yesterday in Guangzhou Branch can see that “We are all bosses”, “we can Become a millionaire “and other red banners. Of the year, there is poor management of the situation »of its Guangzhou branch of the establishment of just over four months on the dissolution of the then»

To the domestic export enterprises as the main customers of e-commerce platform inevitably encountered this wave of cold weather. Insiders said that even China’s largest e-commerce Alibaba will also inevitably be affected, the Chairman of the Board Ma a call for “preparations for the winter,” the slogan, let alone Huicong net? »

Three domestic B2B trade service providers, one of the, closed this week to Guangzhou Branch trigger “wages” storm, and the site of this trade on line just over a year. This shows that SMEs in exports blocked situation, Alibaba, Huicong, such as foreign trade platform for small business is also facing pressure.

Chung Min Lee told reporters that this year foreign trade situation well, Alibaba, and other enterprises that have over the winter, the company can still in the first quarter results, but the second quarter and fell in the third quarter, it is unexpected. Another said that the appreciation of the renminbi and foreign demand for the dual impact of lower in the first half of 2008 China’s total export performance is not satisfactory.

According to the company staff Baoliao, yesterday visited the Oriental Plaza in the sixth floor of the company’s branch office in Guangzhou, Mr Lee told reporters staff, “Branch was set up in April this year, but in June, the staff began Have left their companies are to receive the wages of white bars. “Currently the remaining 15 were also received on September 2 at Headquarters,” do not have to go to work tomorrow, “the notice.

According to figures given by the staff, from the branch general manager, to general manager of the company for more than 10 in-service staff should be paid the salaries of 100,000 yuan, these wages are not fulfilled, some emotional or even to relocate staff Taking equipment company.